Kickstart Summit 2019

A one of a kind Entrepreneurship Bootcamp by ED Cell, PCP.

3 min readJul 27, 2020
Some moments from Kickstart Summit’19

On the 29th of September, 2019 we organized KICKSTART SUMMIT, a one of a kind Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for student entrepreneurs to get started, in collaboration with Mycaptain, an online mentoring program where young achievers guide and mentor young students in their passions.

Calling it a real fun event would be an understatement. Mr. Sameer Ramesh, the co-founder of Mycaptain, who was our mentor for the workshop, made sure everyone had an amazing time learning how to build various startups from absolute nothings.

In the relatively long day, we learned about how to find a problem or a market gap, as that is the most important part to start off with a startup plan — You should be able to solve a problem. From there we delved into the core of starting off where we learned things like,

  • Checking the feasibility of our service or product.
  • How to actually solve a problem with your product?
  • What is a Minimum Viable Product and how can we get ours ready using the Lean Model?
  • How to plan out our startup using a Lean Canvas Model?
  • How to pitch our business to potential customers or investors?
  • And finally, how and where to get our first funding from, and what does this funding mean?

With more than 100+ students participating in the workshop, new and interesting ideas mushroomed throughout the audience as they were given tasks to work on what they learned. Some of these amazing ideas even ended up creating their very first MVP in the event itself. Now, isn’t that wonderful? Some of these ideas included a Tinder-like portal to find the perfect roommate or an app where you could call and book the nearest Mechanic or Tow vehicle when your automobile broke down. There were so many more great ideas and enthusiastic students who just went forward and pitched it to the audience.

All things considered, it was a day that gave a perfect beginning to these young and entrepreneurial minds to think out of the box and work on their ideas to make the best business model possible. In the end, we also talked about some rather personal stories of students and Sameer Sir himself on how to cope with the failures and hurdles that come along with all the accolades. One thing that was made very clear was that BEING AN ENTREPRENEUR DOESN’T MEAN BEING RICH. It’s quite the opposite for the first few years until your business actually takes off. It is thus to be understood that taking us entrepreneurship as a career option should not be for the money and fame, but for the love of the HUSTLE and the JOURNEY.

“You only have to do a few things right in your life so long as you don’t do too many things wrong.” -Warren Buffett

At last, we would like to thank all officials, teachers, staff, members, and Team Mycaptain for making this possible.

Do follow us on Instagram, Youtube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Medium for more information.




Written by ED Cell PCP

The official page for Entrepreneurship Development Cell of Poona College of Pharmacy, Pune. We share our stories here. Stay tuned!

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